The Anaheim Family YMCA is committed to making its programs available to everyone. We offer Financial Assistance to reduce program fees to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.

- Applicants who reside in the YMCA service area will be given priority.
- Assistance may be awarded based on financial need. All individual fees are kept confidential, as they are specific to individual and family circumstances.
- Completed application with proof of income attached.
- Household must fall on or below the “Family Size and Income Level Scale”, a standard HUD guideline.
- Eligibility for assistance will be reviewed annually or as deemed necessary.
- Applicants have 3 business days from registration date to turn in accompanying documentation.

- Once ALL documentation and completed online registration have been received, there is up to a 3-week processing period.
- Applications will NOT be processed without proof of income. Do not submit originals as they will not be returned.
- Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis.
- The remainder of qualified applicants will be placed on a Financial Assistance waiting list.
- Applicants must apply for each specific program. (ex: If applying for financial assistance for camp, swim and basketball, three different applications will be filled out- one per program)
- The applicant is to notify the YMCA if income status changes.
- After a thorough review of the application and supporting documents, the YMCA will grant financial assistance to the extent that funds are available. The YMCA reserves the right to refuse assistance to any applicant.

Follow these instructions carefully to prevent delay in processing your application.
1. Register for YMCA financial assistance online for the appropriate season.
2. Upload documentation through Online Account. Documentation of household income may include:
- Copy of Tax Return (Example: 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ)
- If you do not have a copy of your tax return or did not file income taxes last year, you may obtain a copy of your taxes or a letter of verification by calling the IRS at (800)829-1040 or at irs.gov.
- Recent pay stub (from the last 30 days)
- Unemployment or Social Security Benefits statements
- Child Support
- Verification of any other assistance received (Example: housing assistance, food stamps, etc.)
**If you do not have any proof of income please click and complete Income Form below.
Log into Online Account
Click on My Account – Documents
Upload New Document
- Document Name– Please put name associated with the type of income form you are uploading and the month/year (i.e. Paystub May 2020, Tax Form 2020, No proof Income Form May 2020)
- Document Type– select ‘Financial Aid Documents’
- Member– Select Primary Unit Name (Parent/Guardian or Head of Household)
- Attach File (JPG, JPEG, PNG, or PDF files only and max file size 5MB)
If you need assistance please contact our YMCA Main office 714-635-9622 or email questions to fa@anaheimymca.org
Resident Camp: Winter Weekend Camp, Teen Camp, Camp Miehana
Open: NOW!
We encourage you to apply early as funds are limited.
Sports & Performing Arts Classes
Open: Info Coming Soon
Deadline: Info Coming Soon
Youth Basketball League
Open: May 10 – June 15
Deadline: Tuesday, June 15 – financial aid application and registration must be completed by this date.